Wednesday, 21 November 2018

Keeping Ourselves Safe

Keeping Ourselves Safe

WE are doing the NZ Police unit, Keeping Ourselves Safe

This unit helps us all identify, avoid, and report physical, emotional, sexual, and online abuse and neglect. This abuse can happen anywhere. This abuse might come from all sorts of people in our lives.

We have been learning about the importance of being confident.

We talked about a situation where you go to a mall and some bigger kids from your school start hassling you near the toilets. How can you keep yourself safe?
We decided...

  • We could make a loud noise, and call out.
  • Make up an untruth and say, "I'm waiting for my Dad who's in the toilets. He'll be out in a minute."
  • Make contact with a member of the public and follow them out.
  • Be confident, and say, "Leave me alone."

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