Wednesday, 3 July 2019

Tread Lightly Caravan

We recently had a visit from the Tread Lightly Caravan. We focussed on ideas we can implement to make a difference in our environment. 

Each decision we make in our lives each day, has some impact or effect on our environment. We saw how much effect these decisions have. We would need 3 or 4 more earths to support our population if everyone lived the same lifestyle as us. That's scary!

We were shown how the rubbish we drop and leave on the ground eventually ends up in our oceans. Outside drains should only drain rain. Oils and chemicals, and litter and rubbish, can all wash down our drains and end up in our waterways.

We all made pledges, where we promised to try and do something that would help us make a difference for our environment. They are small, manageable promises that can make a change.

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