Thursday, 17 May 2018

Cleaning up our Local Streets

Today, a group of us went outside the school to clean up the local streets. We were going to clean up the whole block. Unfortunately, we found so much litter and rubbish just outside our school we didn't venture any further.  We only cleaned up approximately 200m of road frontage.

We collected so much waste that was destined to go down our drains and end up at our beautiful beaches and harbours. We felt good that by this simple action, we were doing something to protect our marine animals.

We are going to make this a regular job we undertake. Next time, we hope their will be minimal rubbish outside our school so that we can carry on further and clean up the whole block.

We were wondering why the Auckland City Council don't clean up the drains and gutters like they used to. 

One drain was so blocked with leaves, grass and rubbish, a heavy downpour would likely end up in flooding because the water wouldn't be able to escape.

A lot of what we collected has gone into our recycling bins.

Why are people so thoughtless and uncaring about our environment?

1 comment:

  1. Hi my name is Lachlan I go to whangaparaoa school i am going to give you feedback.I reckon you should do some more writing and thats great what you are doing for the environment. So thats what all what i need to say.
